Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Intel and Mobilized Software
While reviewing a presentation (get it here ... it's a big .pdf) that Will Swope gave at the Open Source Business Conference last year, I found that I had missed a site: More info to read and digest.
I'm dying to get my Tablet PC ... it's on order ... I want to get going! Or get Mobilizing!
Saturday, February 19, 2005
More Tablet PC References
Richard Lawrence commented on my post about Maxthon, and provided some great information. First he commented on Avant Browser, which is an alternative to Maxthon, saying:
"Like Maxthon, it is tabbed and uses the IE browser control. Unlike Maxthon, it's stable for me and supports the Google toolbar."I'm going to grab a copy of Avant Browser to play with. Another cool thing about it ... it's written right here in Utah! I'm going to look up the author and chat with him ...
The second thing that I got from Richard is StrokeIt. I was looking for an application like this when I was working with my wearable computers. I was using a touch-pad for data input, and wanted to be able to enter text using a "graffiti-like" set of gestures.
Thanks Richard ... this is a good set of references!
Friday, February 18, 2005
Mobilized Application Papers at Intel
I've got a lot of reading to do this weekend ...
Thursday, February 17, 2005
What? Scoble was in the house?
Oh well ... there's lots of time. We'll be doing some fun stuff this summer with our new version of GoBinder, and the GoBinder SDK. I'm following the same software that Scoble does, and agree with his perspectives on what makes for good software. This is going to be fun.
Lists of Tablet PC Tools
Too much to do!
Second week with Agilix
I'll be posting more on our core product "GoBinder" and our overall strategy of "mobilized applications" ... this is all part of a "smart client" revolution.
Also ... I picked the first Tablet PC that I'm after ... it's the HP tc4200. I nice convertible, and one that is currently leading the merging world of laptop and slate. It's a tough choice to only pick one ... there are too many intersting products out there!
Using Maxthon with the Tablet PC
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
Tablets at VSLive!
In learning about Tablet PCs, I have quickly found out there are two core designs - the "slate" and the "convertible". It's easier to describe the "convertible" since this is simply a laptop design where the LCD display can be turned around and "closed" with the display showing. This seems to be the most flexible model for many people who are used to a laptop, and continue to want to use a product in both the "laptop" and "slate". You can open it an use it as a laptop, and then you can rotate the display and use it as a slate.
The "slate" model, is like a slate, or clipboard, that you rest on your arm. The best features of the slate is that they can be used with a mouse and keyboard, however these are not necessarily attached to the "slate" ... so it is nice and lightweight.
So far I am thinking that I like the convertible design ... it gives me the best of both worlds, and although it might weigh a bit more, I can shift slowly into the Tablet PC world, without giving up my laptop habits.
I'm going to spend today looking at more of these products ... maybe I'll change my mind!
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Exploring the Tablet PC
I'm now going to be spending a lot of time experimenting with the Tablet PC. I just joined a company - Agilix - that is a leading developer of software for the Tablet PC. Agilix has a number of developer tools for ink-enabling applications, and end-user products that focus on mobilizing data.
I'm sure that I'll get to play with several different manufacturers equipment, and I'll be using a Tablet PC daily. I'll get to see if I like it as much as Scoble does. And I know that I'm going to learn about the Tablet PC ... along with what I like, and what I don't.
So with all of this I figured that I would blog my thoughts ... my Tablet PC Thoughts.