Google wants MORE of your identity!
Ok ... this is one place where I like even more than Google Maps ... again! I was long a user of Google Maps, however they didn't allow me to mark-up the maps and add my own annotations. Yes ... I could hack code, but c'mon ... has had the ability for a long time.
Well FINALLY, Google adds the ability to annotate and more through their new My Maps features ... BUT ... I MUST create an account and be tracked by Google in order to use the features!! What the heck? I can't just hack out a quick annotated map for a friend or family without providing information to Google about who I am and having them permanently note my interest in some specific point on earth?
Once again ... the average person has NO idea they are now going to have even more records kept of every place they have marked or annotated, and when they did it. Google continues to gather even more information about you ... who you are ... what you do ... where you do. Amazing. I'll stick with
Google makes mashups easy, even for me. The search giant's new My Maps feature lets anyone create customizable maps with photos and video, regardless of technical know-how.
Photos: Google maps out mashups [CNET]
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Unknown, at 1:14 AM
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