SCO vs. Novell ... the Copyrights.
Tonight I read through the following filing that I found on the SCO web site. It is "SCOS MEMORANDUM in Support of its Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on its First, Second, and Fifth Causes of Action and for Summary Judgment on Novells First Counterclaim"
In this filing, there is testimony from a whole list of Novell executives - who actually negotiated the deal with SCO - who all testify that they *did* sell the Copyrights to SCO. When I read through this, I can only sit here thinking about what the current Novell management team was thinking ... and what they will ever be able to pull out to refute this evidence.
In addition, this filing contains testimony by a reporter who states that Chris Stone told her he was going to announce that Novell never sold the Copyrights with full intention to damage the SCO stock price, and impact shareholders. Amazing if this is true ... to think that an executive would do this and believe that he could get away with it.
Although all of the press wants people to believe this is all over ... it seems that there is still a lot of life left in the SCO lawsuits.
Really? So you think there's life in this thing after all? I keep hearing from the press that it's dead. After reading the filing I can't help but logically agree with you. But, everyone in the whole world except SCO says the suit is over. How can everyone else be so wrong?
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM
Yeah ... that *is* me. I used to work for SCO after one of my start-ups was acquired. Now I'm out ... and simply looking at SCOX as an investment opportunity.
If they are able to make any wins ... I'll make a lot of money. I'm a pure capitalist! :-)
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