Tablet PC Thoughts

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Chris Anderson @ Telecosm

Chris Anderson was up next ... I saw him speak at eTech a while back. I actually sat next to him at eTech before he spoke ... although I didn't know it until he got up to speak.

He gave his Long Tail presentation, and there were some updated details. It's a insightful presentation that talks about one way that the Internet is allowing more companies to exploit the "long tail" ... the vast market that exists outside of the high-volume markets.

As he progressed through his thoughts, he brought up his Set of Three Forces ... something that I had forgotten:
  • Force 1: Democratize the production
  • Force 2: Lower the cost of consumption
  • Force 3: Connect consumers
As he talked about the first force, I got sidetracked as I explored the companies that he brought up - Flickr, Typepad, GarageBand, Movie Maker, Lulu. I had heard of the first three, couldn't find the fourth, and started to read about the last one - Lulu.

I like to think about this in the context of Agilix Labs and what we can offfer to students. Force 1 and Force 3 seem to be the easiest to pursue.


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